Module material.theme

Theme manipulation


setDefaultScheme () Set the default scheme
getColorSchemes (light) Gets the current color schemes
getFontSchemes () Gets the current font schemes
loadSchemes (path) Load a theme schemes
setLight () Select the default theme as light
setDark () Select the default theme as dark
getPrimary () Get the primary color
getPrimaryContainer () Get the primary container color
getOnPrimary () Get the color when drawn on top of the primary color
getOnPrimaryContainer () Get the color when drawn on top of the primary container color
getPrimary () Get the inverse primary color
getSecondary () Get the secondary color
getSecondaryContainer () Get the secondary container color
getOnSecondary () Get the color when drawn on top of the secondary color
getSecondary () Get the color when drawn on top of the secondary container color
getTertiary () Get the tertiary color
getTertiaryContainer () Get the tertiary container color
getOnTertiary () Get the color when drawn on top of the tertiary color
getTertiary () Get the color when drawn on top of the tertiary container color
getSurface () Get the surface color
getSurfaceTint () Get the surface tint color
getSurfaceVariant () Get the surface variant color
getInverseSurface () Get the inverse surface color
getOnSurface () Get the color when drawn on top of the surface color
getOnSurfaceVariant () Get the color when drawn on top of the surface variant color
getOnInverseSurface () Get the color when drawn on top of the inverse surface color
getBackground () Get the background color
getOnBackground () Get the color when drawn on top of the the background color
getError () Get the error color
getErrorContainer () Get the error container color
getOnError () Get the color when drawn on top of the error color
getOnErrorContainer () Get the color when drawn on top of the error container color
getOutline () Get the outline color
getShadow () Get the shadow color
getDisplay (size) Get the display font
getHeadline (size) Get the headline font
getTitle (size) Get the title font
getBody (size) Get the body font
getLabel (size) Get the label font


setDefaultScheme ()
Set the default scheme
getColorSchemes (light)
Gets the current color schemes


  • light whether get the light or dark schemes
getFontSchemes ()
Gets the current font schemes
loadSchemes (path)
Load a theme schemes


  • path string with the path of theme schemes
setLight ()
Select the default theme as light
setDark ()
Select the default theme as dark
getPrimary ()
Get the primary color
getPrimaryContainer ()
Get the primary container color
getOnPrimary ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the primary color
getOnPrimaryContainer ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the primary container color
getPrimary ()
Get the inverse primary color
getSecondary ()
Get the secondary color
getSecondaryContainer ()
Get the secondary container color
getOnSecondary ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the secondary color
getSecondary ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the secondary container color
getTertiary ()
Get the tertiary color
getTertiaryContainer ()
Get the tertiary container color
getOnTertiary ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the tertiary color
getTertiary ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the tertiary container color
getSurface ()
Get the surface color
getSurfaceTint ()
Get the surface tint color
getSurfaceVariant ()
Get the surface variant color
getInverseSurface ()
Get the inverse surface color
getOnSurface ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the surface color
getOnSurfaceVariant ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the surface variant color
getOnInverseSurface ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the inverse surface color
getBackground ()
Get the background color
getOnBackground ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the the background color
getError ()
Get the error color
getErrorContainer ()
Get the error container color
getOnError ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the error color
getOnErrorContainer ()
Get the color when drawn on top of the error container color
getOutline ()
Get the outline color
getShadow ()
Get the shadow color
getDisplay (size)
Get the display font


  • size "large", "medium" or "small"
getHeadline (size)
Get the headline font


  • size "large", "medium" or "small"
getTitle (size)
Get the title font


  • size "large", "medium" or "small"
getBody (size)
Get the body font


  • size "large", "medium" or "small"
getLabel (size)
Get the label font


  • size "large", "medium" or "small"
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-10-22 15:53:51